Zenon Public Incentivized Testnet

from 13 Jun 2021
Event Info

Zenon is an evolutionary step in distributed ledger technology, enabling an efficient trust layer for transfer of value and data globally. Based on The Network of Momentum, it proposes a new type of architecture designed to overcome the limitations of current blockchain or DAG based cryptocurrencies. Изображение Testnet parameters The Testnet has several different changes compared to the Alphanet specifications:

  • Dual-coin supply
  • Shorter Pillar lock and revocation windows
  • Shorter Node lock and revocation windows
  • Shorter staking periods
  • Adjusted rewards intervals
Those changes are implemented in order to properly test all the required functionalities and do not affect critical components such as the consensus algorithm or the embedded smart contracts layer.

Pillar parameters

  • PillarStakeAmount: 15000 ZNN
  • PillarQsrStakeBaseAmount: 150000 QSR
  • PillarEpochLockTime: 40 hours
  • PillarEpochRevokeTime: 8 hours
  • PillarNameLengthMax: 40 characters

Sentinel parameters

  • SentinelZnnRegisterAmount: 5000 ZNN
  • SentinelQsrDepositAmount: 50000 QSR
  • SentinelEpochLockTime: 20 hours
  • SentinelEpochRevokeTime: 4 hours

Staking parameters

  • StakeTimeUnitSec: multiple of 1 day
  • StakeTimeMinSec: 1 day minimum
  • StakeTimeMaxSec: 12 days maximum
  • StakeMinAmount: 1 ZNN

Plasma parameters

  • FuseMinAmount: 10 QSR
  • FuseExpiration: 10 hours

Token parameters

  • issueFee: 100
  • tokenNameLengthMax: 40 characteres
  • tokenSymbolLengthMax: 10 characters
  • tokenDomainLengthMax: 128 characteres
  • tokenMaxSupplyBig: 2^62 - 1
  • tokenMaxDecimals: 16