Sigmadex Envoy Program

from 08 Jun 2021
Event Info

Become an advocate today!

If you wish to join our team and become a Sigmadex advocate for bringing unique DeFi opportunities to the masses, then this could be the best opportunity for you. We are assembling a unique army of skilled individuals who are very passionate about Sigmadex, game theory, DeFi, and cryptocurrency who will become representatives for Sigmadex.

What we are looking for

Sigmadex is looking for passionate and well versed individuals to join our team. We welcome individuals to apply for the Sigmadex Envoy Program as we have opened up multiple opportunities which will cater to specific interests and positions. You will receive adequate recognition and rewards for your time and ongoing efforts. Key Benefits
  • SDEX token compensation
  • Involvement with future feature developments
  • Access to early stage features
  • Access to exclusive NFT mining pools
  • Access to the Sigmadex rolodex of contributors/community/partners
  • Sigmadex swag — Rock official Sigmadex merchandise
  • Technical resources — We are happy to provide courses and information on Sigmadex and its technology stack
Envoy Responsibilities
  • Engaging with community through social media, content, and imagery (memes, reddit, twitter, telegram, medium, etc)
  • Educating the public on the technical aspects of Sigmadex and how it operates
  • Attending or hosting local events
  • Translating documents, articles, announcements, etc
  • Testing new features before they are launched
  • Increasing social media and mainstream media presence
  • Growing the Sigmadex network (exchanges, partnerships, etc)
The following list below covers the specialized areas where envoys can assist. Individuals will be chosen based on the following:
  • Geographic location
  • Skill set
  • Reputation

Developer Input

Individuals should be able to assist and provide feedback on the platform experience.
  • Propose new features in terms of user experience
  • Create bots for moderating, analyzing, and interpreting data
  • Contribute to the Sigmadex codebase
  • Report bugs or issues
  • Assist with code auditing

Community Input

Contributors should be familiar with all major social messaging apps such as Telegram, WeChat, and Discord.
  • Growing our community base by educating interested parties with technical details of Sigmadex
  • Engaging with the community
  • Operate or contribute to regional groups

Content Curation Input

Individuals should be well versed in content writing, graphic design, or connected to popular news outlets to relay the Sigmadex vision to the public.
  • Detailed infographics
  • Engaging videos
  • Compelling blog posts
  • Distributing press releases
  • Notable memes