SushiSwap Airdrop

from 22 Jul 2021 to 31 Jul 2021
Event Info
Learn about SushiSwap to Earn $50,000 SUSHI Tokens

CoinMarketCap users can learn about SushiSwap (SUSHI), and then take a short quiz. If a user successfully completes the quiz, they will receive the SUSHI Tokens as a reward.

Sushi "Learn & Earn" Campaign will run from 2021.07.22 (12:00 PM UTC) to 2021.07.31 (23:59:59 UTC). If you have not taken the lessons yet, please make sure to learn about SushiSwap to complete the quiz!

– Lesson 1 : Intro to DeFi with

– Lesson 2 : DeFi’s Answer to Revenue Sharing

– Lesson 3 : Earn Passive Income, While Offsetting Crypto Risk

– Lesson 4 : Add Liquidity and Earn $SUSHI!

Answers for quiz:

1. helps you take advantage of your idle cryptocurrency by providing tools that earn you ____?


2. What do you need to unlock the power of DeFi on

A wallet with cryptocurrency tokens in it!

3. All of the transaction fees earned by Sushi are paid to whom?

The Sushi Liquidity providers

4. If you want to provide liquidity to the SUSHI-WETH pair and have $100 in SUSHI tokens, what is the maximum amount of WETH you need?


5. What do you need to do first to become a yield farmer?

Provide Liquidity

6. How are you paid for being a farmer on Sushi?

With SUSHI tokens

7. Becoming a farmer on Sushi has which benefits?

All of the above.

8. Did you start your new income stream by Adding Liquidity to Sushi?


CoinMarketCap SushiSwap Learn & Earn Quiz

If you have trouble submitting, please try again in this dedicated link:

SushiSwap "Learn & Earn" Campaign will run from 2021.07.22 to 2021.07.31 and the Quiz will open at 12:00 PM UTC.

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