Boson Protocol Ecosystem Grant

from 30 Jun 2021
Event Info

At Boson Protocol, we are creating a decentralized commerce ecosystem that everyone can use and anyone can trust.

Boson Protocol is a decentralized infrastructure for enabling autonomous commercial exchanges of anyThing, specifically off-chain items. Boson is a peer-to-peer system which replicates the benefits of a market intermediary, without the disbenefits of centralized systems.

About Boson Protocol’s Grant Program

Grants are available up to US$50,000 per project and we welcome applications from individuals, companies, teams and research institutions.

While we are happy to accept applications in all areas that will make it easier for future developers and teams to build on the core protocol, we are especially interested in projects working in the following areas:

dCommerce applications & components

We are looking to fund innovative approaches to decentralized commerce applications and projects extending the dCommerce stack. This can range from user-facing front-ends, plug-ins to existing e-commerce platforms and infrastructure to enable dCommerce applications and experiences.

Metaverse commerce

Metaverse Commerce is one of the first key applications of Boson Protocol. As such we’re moving fast in building the first virtual shopping experiences for physical items in decentraland.

With our newly acquired plot of LAND, and our unique capability of digital to physical commerce, we’re looking to fund initiatives that demonstrate the game-changing possibilities of Metaverse commerce. This is not limited to the use of Boson Protocol’s Commitment NFTs, but can also be wider propositions leveraging our LAND.

How to apply

Are you working on a project that falls into one of the four categories above or which can enhance, and extend, the core capabilities of Boson Protocol?

We want to hear from you.

Please note that the maximum initial grant available for any project is $50,000 and would ideally be broken down into smaller milestones for delivery.

All applications will be reviewed by a council of Boson stakeholders, composed of Foundation Board, tech and business teams, investors and advisors.

The council will conduct their decision on a set of criteria and objectives which are included in the questionnaire and are primarily based on:

a. Ecosystem impact

b. Team profiles and experience

c. Needs and challenges

d. Measurable milestones and outcomes

e. Grant size

The council will make recommendations on the recipients of the ecosystem grants. The final decision on all grants will be approved individually by the Foundation Board.