Bit Country Ambassador Program

from 23 Jun 2021
Event Info

Invitation for Ambassador Program

On Bit.Country, you can tokenize your community by starting your own bit country with a virtual world of your theme, your DAOcommunity tokenNFT minting and marketplace. Your fans will then have a chance to earn your tokens through various KPIs you set.
  • Good understanding of Bit Country's vision and NFTs
  • Experience of community engagement on social media & meetups
  • Interested in growing the community for bit country
    We will bootstrap your bit country from our treasury.
    • Promote your bit country and NFTs.
    • We will secure a spot for you in the official ambassador district! That is a special area on the network.
    • You may get an NFT from us :-)
    Evaluation & Priority
    We value your area of expertise. We value your experience of community management. We value applicants who applied early. We value the size of your community that you can reach. We value your referrer background - the person who invited you. We value the quality of your future referrals.