
Bixin Ventures
Digital Finance Group
fundamental labs
Kenetic Capital
SNZ Holding
Spark Digital Capital
1063 Days and 21 hours ago
stos price: $ 0.572683
ROI: x 1.91 in USD
Important Info
Stratos is the next generation of decentralized Data Mesh that provides scalable, reliable, self-balanced storage, database, and computation network. Stratos is born for scaling blockchain process capacity while retaining the decentralized benefits of a distributed protocol including trustless, traceability, verifiability, privacy, etc. Stratos is best positioned to support data storage and adoption for developers and users in this ever-expanding digital economy. Stratos strives to make decentralized data adoption easier for the blockchain industry and Web 3.0. Stratos x Polkastarter IDO details
  • Date: Wednesday, June 9th, 2021
  • Tokens for sale in total: 1,000,000 STOS
  • Public Sale Token price: $0.3 per token
  • Ticker: STOS
  • Total Raise: $300,000
  • Initial Marketcap: $2,437,500
  • Maximum allocation per person: $300 (USD)
  • Must hold at least 250 POLS on either ERC20 or BEP20

    After weeks of preparation and hard work, our highly-anticipated IDO will finally go live on Polkastarter tomorrow ( June 9th) at 2PM UTC. Stratos will try our best to create a smooth and fair experience possible for whitelisted participants.

    Here’s a detailed timeline on June 9th:

    1:30 UTC — Telegram chat muted temporarily.

    2 PM UTC — IDO starts on Polkastarter. Whitelisted participants who secure allocation will be able to deposit ETH.

    3 PM UTC — Uniswap V2 listing.

    3:30 PM UTC — — IDO ends on Polkastarter. Participants claim STOS.

    4 PM UTC — — Telegram chat unmuted.

    IDO Details

    ✨The IDO will be first come first serve from the whitelisted group.

    ✨ You are allowed to participate in the IDO sale only if your address is whitelisted.

    ✨ There will be 2 pools on Polkastarter, Stratos 1 and Stratos 2.You will only be able to participate in the pool where you have been whitelisted for. For example, if your address shows in the column of Stratos 1 in the sheet, you can only participate in the Stratos 1 pool of the sale.

    ✨ Max Allocation per person: $300 in ETH

    ✨ Polkastarter contribution guide:


    ‼️ Stratos team members and admins will never DM you under any circumstances

    ‼️ Everything related to $STOS tokens, smart contracts, and their addresses is NOT available at the moment publicly. Please be aware of fake addresses and scammers.

    ‼️ $STOS will not be available until the Polkastarter IDO on June 9th.