
coinlist seed
Tokensale: TBA
Important Info is a decentralized media protocol. It’s a new layer 1 and infrastructure purpose-built for decentralized social with Cosmos. This ensures it’ll have cheap gas and great UX, while still being interoperable with Ethereum and other Cosmos chains. STARS is a staking token with mint and burn mechanics.
STARS has dynamic emission and no supply cap. Inflation is used to incentivize staking participation in the network, and varies between 7% and 20% based on how much is staked. It is inversely proportional to the staked amount. As the staked to total supply ratio falls below 67%, inflation increases, and vice versa.On each block, 45% inflation goes to validators, 5% to the DAO (community pool), and 50% to reward pools that hold UCI payouts.
Stargaze has two token burn mechanisms.
  1. Whenever a native post is created on Stargaze, half the storage cost is burned while the other half goes to the block proposer as payment for storage. Storage cost is based on a specific amount of STARS per byte, as determined by governance. Therefore, the value of STARS increases as more content is posted to the blockchain.
  2. Whenever a native post (NFT) is purchased, a 10% fee is charged and burned.
STARS Utility
STARS is used for various purposes in Stargaze.
  1. STARS are used for creator coin purchases.
  2. STARS are used for purchasing NFTs.
  3. STARS are used to "boost" content on Stargaze by increasing the curation period.
  4. STARS are required for storage payments.
  5. STARS are used in governance (i.e: for putting deposits up for proposals).
  6. STARS are used for gas fees.
  7. STARS are used for validating the network.
Token Allocation
Initial supply: 1,000,000,000 STARS