
coinbase ventures
Tribe Capital
968 Days and 18 hours ago
Important Info
Lumerin is a peer-to-peer protocol solution that enables data stream routing based on smart contract rules.

Tranche/Option 1

  • Price$0.25 per token
  • 15% unlocked upon token launch (after Public Sale)
  • Remaining 85% of the tokens are locked up for 2 months
  • Vesting: Over the following 4 months, releasing 21.25% per month
  • Total lock-up until 100% released: 6 months

This tranche has a lower price, higher maximum, and the longest lockup — this is to ensure a healthy token release schedule for the community.

Tranche/Option 2

  • Price$0.35 per token
  • 25% unlocked upon token launch (after Public Sale)
  • Remaining 75% of the tokens are locked up for 1 month
  • Vesting: Over the following 2 months, releasing 35.5% per month
  • Total lock-up until 100% released: 3 months

Tranche/Option 3

  • Price$0.45 per token
  • 100% unlocked upon token launch (after Public Sale)
  • No vesting or lock-up periods
  • Purchase cap: $10,000