Ethereum Eagle

1095 Days and 16 hours ago
Important Info

Eligible CoinList users can register for the Ethereum Eagle (EGL) Genesis event directly through CoinList. EGL is a coordination token that holders use to vote on Ethereum's gas limit (block size) and incentivizes mining pools to follow their collaborative decision. Participants can stake their ETH through CoinList in the Genesis to earn EGL, vote on the Gas Limit, and earn additional voting EGL rewards.

  • Asset: EGL
  • Initial Supply: 750M EGL
  • Contributions Open: July 27, 2021, 17:00 UTC
  • Contributions Close: August 11, 2021, 22:00 UTC
  • Lockup: 7 months for first distribution, 12 months for second distribution
  • Min/Max: 0.05 ETH / 25 ETH
  • Funding Methods: BTC, ETH, USDC, USDT
  • Eligible Participants: Users in all CoinList supported jurisdictions, excluding the United States, Canada, and China.

    Answers for questions:

    1. What is EGL built on?


    2. What is the EGL token?

    EGL is a coordination token that holders use to vote on Ethereum's gas limit (block size) and incentivizes mining pools to follow their collaborative decision.

    3. Which protocol will the EGL Genesis use for its liquidity pool?


    4. What is CoinList’s contribution cap to the EGL Genesis?

    15,000 ETH

    5. What is one benefit of participating in EGL Genesis through CoinList?

    Users can receive compounding token rewards as CoinList will continually re-vote to maximize rewards.

    6. What currencies are accepted for payment in EGL Genesis through CoinList?


    7. What are the min and max CoinList individual contribution limits?

    0.05 ETH; 25 ETH

    8. When will CoinList users receive their post-Genesis distribution?

    Users will receive a portion of their tokens within 7 months, and the remaining after a year.

    9. Will users always get back the same amount of ETH that they contributed?

    No, users may receive less or more ETH through the distribution than the initial contribution due to price movements between the EGL-ETH pair on Balancer. Additionally, CoinList will take a 2% fee from the total ETH contributed through CoinList.

    10. What will happen if someone submits a contribution but doesn't complete it?

    Users are not secured an allocation until they complete funding. If the contribution cap is reached prior to completing funding, the user will not be granted an allocation.

    11. Where will I be able to participate in EGL Genesis through CoinList?

    12. What happens to a user who use bots or abuse the contribution system?

    The user's account will be terminated and all contributions will be cancelled.