Astra Protocol
Decentralised Finance, or DeFi, has become one of the most attractive, exciting and lucrative blockchain markets. But the harsh reality is that if funds are sent to the wrong wallet address or the transaction is a scam — money is likely to be lost forever.
With very few regulations in place to protect consumers, DeFi is too high-risk for big corporations. What is missing is an assurance layer that connects the crypto world and the real world to provide trust and peace of mind.
Our solution is ASTRA. This revolutionary legal layer plugs into any existing platform, ensuring all funds arrive safely at their correct destination. Even if something goes wrong, we can quickly and efficiently resolve the issue with ASTRA and restore your funds immediately.
Dispute clause added
For both parties to receive unparalleled dispute resolution capabilities, they must agree to use The Proof of Trust as their platform of choice. Adding a specific clause into their smart contract, The Proof of Trust becomes the mechanism to resolve all issues, including accidental or fraudulent transactions. All parties and transactions are now fully protected.
Issue Resolved
Once the smart contract has been signed, if one or both parties are dissatisfied at any stage of the transaction, ASTRA can be invoked to quickly and cost-effectively resolve the issue on platform.ASTR TOKEN
The ASTR token will be of great importance to create a healthy, fair transactional ecosystem. As more parties from different sectors use The Proof of Trust as the primary dispute resolution mechanism, the ASTR token will efficiently rank the upcoming cases in order of urgency.
Two important features are:
All stakes will be visible to network participants.
Each stake must be placed within a predefined timeframe.
The DeFi market has seen rapid expansion recently. If the current growth rate continues, the TVL could soon hit $1 trillion, but not without institutional assurance from The Proof of Trust.